CSS background-color

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CSS background-color specifies the background color of an element.

Property Values are:



background-color: color;
background-color: transparent;
background-color: initial;
background-color: inherit;

1) background-color: color;

CSS background-color can be defined as the following possible color values. An integer value can range from 0 to 255.

  1. Color
  2. HEX value
  3. RGB value
  4. RGBA value
  5. HSL value
  6. HSLA value

1.1 background-color: color;

<!DOCTYPE html>
  background-color: red;

  background-color: blue;

<div id="background-color-red">
  <h3>Here is an example of background-color-red.</h3>
<div id="background-color-blue">
  <h3>Here is an example of background-color-blue.</h3>


Here is an example of background-color-red.

Here is an example of background-color-blue.

1.2) background-color: HEX Value;

HEX value starts with the symbol “#” followed by 3 or 6 numbers 0-9 or letters A-F. For example #FFF or #FFFFFF.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  background-color: #00ff33;

  background-color: #ff00e1;

<div id="background-color-green">
  <h3>Here is an example of background-color-green defined by HEX value.</h3>
<div id="background-color-purple">
  <h3>Here is an example of background-color-purple defined by HEX Value.</h3>


Here is an example of background-color-green defined by HEX value.

Here is an example of background-color-purple defined by HEX Value.

1.3) background-color: RGB Value;

RGB stands for red, green, and blue.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  background-color: rgb(21, 26, 74);

  background-color: rgb(81, 46, 54);

<div id="background-color-blue">
  <h3>Here is an example of background-color-blue defined by RGB value.</h3>
<div id="background-color-brown">
  <h3>Here is an example of background-color-brown defined by RGB Value.</h3>


Here is an example of background-color-blue defined by RGB value.

Here is an example of background-color-brown defined by RGB Value.

1.4) background-color: RGBA Value;

RGBA stands for red, green, blue, and alpha.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  background-color: rgba(21, 54, 94, 1.6);

  background-color: rgba(21, 44, 84, 0.6);

<div id="background-color-dark-blue">
  <h3>Here is an example of background-color-dark-blue defined by RGBA value.</h3>
<div id="background-color-light-blue">
  <h3>Here is an example of background-color-light-blue defined by RGBA Value.</h3>


Here is an example of background-color-dark-blue defined by RGBA value.

Here is an example of background-color-light-blue defined by RGBA Value.

1.5) background-color: HSL Value;

HSL stands for Hue, Saturation and Lightness.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  background-color: hsl(0, 100%, 50%);

  background-color: hsl(132, 100%, 50%);

<div id="background-color-red">
  <h3>Here is an example of background-color-red defined by HSL value.</h3>
<div id="background-color-green">
  <h3>Here is an example of background-color-green defined by HSL Value.</h3>


Here is an example of background-color-red defined by HSL value.

Here is an example of background-color-green defined by HSL Value.

1.6) background-color: HSLA Value;

<!DOCTYPE html>
  background-color: hsla(120,100%,75%,0.3);


<div id="background-color-light-green">
  <h3>Here is an example of background-color-light-green defined by HSLA value.</h3>
<div id="background-color-dark-green">
  <h3>Here is an example of background-color-dark-green defined by HSLA Value.</h3>


Here is an example of background-color-light-green defined by HSLA value.

Here is an example of background-color-dark-green defined by HSLA Value.

2. background-color:transparent;

<!DOCTYPE html>
  border: 10px dotted black;
  background-color: transparent;

<div id="background-color-transparent">
  <h3>Here is an example of background-color:transparent.</h3>


Here is an example of background-color:transparent.

3. background-color: initial;

<!DOCTYPE html>
  border: 10px dotted black;
  background-color: initial;

<div id="background-color-initial">
  <h3> Here is an example of background-color: initial.</h3>


Here is an example of background-color: initial.

4. background-color:inherit;

<!DOCTYPE html>
  border: 10px dotted black;
  background-color: inherit;

<div id="background-color-inherit">
  <h3> Here is an example of background-color: inherit.</h3>


Here is an example of background-color: inherit.

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