In this tutorial, I will show you each step on how to delete your Instagram account from your Instagram app. The process is quite simple and easy. So, let’s begin.
1) Instagram App
Select an Instagram App from your mobile.

2) 3 Horizontal bars
You will see 3 horizontal bars in the top right corner. Click on these 3 horizontal bars.

3) Settings and Privacy
You will see Settings and Privacy with gear icons on the top. Tap on your Settings and Privacy.

4) Accounts Center
Once Settings and Privacy will be opened. Tap on Accounts Center.

5) Accounts Center
An Accounts Center will be opened with various options available. Tap on your personal details.

6) Personal details
Under Personal details, you can clearly see Account ownership and control. Tap on it and open your Account ownership and control.

7) Account ownership and control
Here, tap on Deactivation or Deletion, which will take you to the deactivation or deletion process ahead.

8) Deactivation or deletion
Select your Instagram account. If you add your Facebook account, you will able to see your Facebook account also. You have to select your Instagram account here because we are going to delete an Instagram account.

9) Deactivating or deleting your Instagram account
Here, you will see two options: Deactivate account or Delete account. Select your second option: Delete account and tap the Continue button.

10) Deleting your Instagram account
Select the appropriate reason why are you deleting your Instagram account in the below two screenshots and tap Continue.

Now, your Instagram account has been deleted. You can use the same username again as long as someone else hasn’t taken it.