CSS Outline-offset

Definition: The CSS outline-offset place a space between the outline and the border of an element. Syntax: Source Code: Output: … Continue reading “CSS Outline-offset”

CSS Outline-width

Definition: Outline-width is used to set the outline thickness drawn around outside the border of an element. Its value can … Continue reading “CSS Outline-width”

CSS Outline-style

Definition: CSS outline-style is used to style the outline drawn around the outer part of the border in an element. … Continue reading “CSS Outline-style”

CSS Outline-color

Definition: CSS outline-color is used to color the outline drawn around outside the border of an element. In the below … Continue reading “CSS Outline-color”

CSS Outline

Definition: CSS outline is a line that is drawn around outside the border of an element. In the below image, … Continue reading “CSS Outline”

CSS Outline (All Properties)

Definition: CSS outline is a line that is drawn around outside the border of an element. It has its own … Continue reading “CSS Outline (All Properties)”

Category: CSS Outlines