What are the sizes of the Android icon located inside the mipmap?

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Are you worried about your android icon sizes? or You don’t have any idea what size should you use to create your android app’s icon. Then keep reading the blog.

First, you need to design your android app icon in your mind or a piece of paper. And use any icon designing software like photoshop, illustrator, or any other icon creating software, which you have in your mind.

Create the 5 icons under following sizes and save inside res->mipmap ->icon.png

xxxhdpi: 192 * 192 px
xxhdpi: 144 * 144 px
xhdpi: 96 * 96 px
hdpi: 72 * 72 px
mdpi: 48 * 48 px

That’s it. These are the sizes of android icon apps. Make sure you have created 5 icons on each size mentioned above.

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